Tim Shaddock, a brave 51-year-old resident of Sydney, set sail with his beloved dog Bella from Mexico to French Polynesia in April, embarking on an adventurous journey. However, fate had other plans when a fierce storm severely damaged their boat several weeks later.
After weeks of drifting helplessly in the vast North Pacific Ocean, they were spotted by a vigilant helicopter, which ultimately led to their rescue by a trawler this week. The doctor aboard the tuna trawler confirmed that despite the arduous ordeal, Shaddock displayed “normal vital signs.”
Starting his 6,000km-long (3,728-mile) voyage from Mexico’s La Paz, Shaddock soon found himself stranded due to the destructive weather conditions that disrupted his vessel’s electronics. With no means of communication and navigation, he and Bella were left to the mercy of the powerful ocean currents.
In a remarkable display of resilience, the stranded duo survived by catching whatever sustenance they could find in the vast and hostile waters. Months of enduring the unpredictable elements left Shaddock looking leaner and sporting an overgrown beard when they were finally discovered off Mexico’s coast.
In a video obtained by 9News, Shaddock shared the difficulties he faced during the harrowing ordeal, saying, “I have been through a very difficult ordeal at sea. I’m just needing a good rest and nourishing food because I have been alone at sea a long time. Otherwise, I’m in very good health.”
Fishing gear played a crucial role in their survival, providing much-needed sustenance for both Shaddock and Bella during their struggle against nature’s challenges. Additionally, Shaddock wisely shielded himself from sunburn by seeking refuge under the boat’s canopy, ensuring his safety and well-being during the arduous journey.